Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Three Dollar Morning


These are fossil Dendraster ashleyi or Dendraster gibbsii Sand Dollars from the

Purisima formation Here.  They are embedded in their original tomb along with

ghost shrimp burrows on the beach. These are about 5 million years old and I'm about

to extract them. Alright, here they are after I extracted them from their watery, sandy

tomb, they've been released to go back and be free again.  Back to the lab to be

prepared to go to the museum. Here we go.  This is back at our labs preparing the

sand dollars for their trip to the museum. Using glues (adhesives) and consolidants

(which are preservatives).  First we remove the sand from the sand dollars.  And the

sand has entombed them, like I said, for the last 5 million years.  And once that sand is

completely removed and brushed off, we'll apply a protective coating of consolidant

to harden the sand dollars which we're doing here.  Thanks for watching and enjoy

these beauties.  It was a three dollar morning.

#Paleontologist, #paleontology,  #SantaCruz, #Monterey, #santacruzcounty, #pacificpaleontology, @pacificpaleontology, #beachfossils, #fossil, #fossilhunting, #fieldwork, #beachcombing, #santacruzmuseum, #MontereyBay, #SCMNH, #universityofcaliforniamuseumofpaleontology, #UCMP, #californiaacademyofscience, #academyofscience,  #ucmpberkeley, 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

False Alarm


Pacific Paleontology was recently called out to one of our paleo mitigation contract sites with the message that "bones have been found"!!  We excitedly arrived only to find this!  Neither paleontological nor archeological these bones, which were inadvertently moved from their original positions by the construction crew, are from a modern (Recent) Mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus and so not of historical importance for our team.  #paleontology, #SantaCruz, #santacruzcounty, #Monterey, #montereycounty, #paleontology, #mitigationpaleontology, #fossil, #pacificpaleontology, @pacificpaleontology, #Constructionsite, #fossilhunting, #archeology, #bones, 

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